The Tender subject is the supply and installation of advanced computing equipment, storage space and software, for the implementation of the new “DAEDALUS” high-performance computing system. In addition, the tender includes accompanying training, installation, configuration and long-term maintenance services.


The goal of the new high-performance computing system is to occupy one of the top 30 places worldwide in the TOP500 list of the most powerful computing systems. The top performance will meet the growing needs of the research and scientific community by contributing to world-class research.


The high-performance computing system will be implemented in two main phases.


During “Phase A: Implementation of DAEDALUS supercomputer” the DAEDALUS supercomputer will be implemented which will be a complete supercomputing system. “Phase A” will be financed by the Recovery and Resilience Fund and by the Public Investment Program in the amount of €29,200,000.00 including VAT. [Budget without VAT: €23,548,387.10, VAT: €5,651,612.90].


During “Phase B: DAEDALUS supercomputer upgrade” the DAEDALUS supercomputer will be upgraded with the funding of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, with a maximum amount of €12,679,900.75 excluding VAT, in order to achieve or even surpass the goal of achieving the processing power of 60PFlops.


The total estimated value (including VAT) of the contract amounts to €41,879,900.75. [Budget without VAT: €36,228,287.85, VAT: €5,651,612.90].


The duration of the contract implementation is set at twelve (12) months from its signature. The duration of guaranteed operation (good operation warranty period) is set at five (5) years from the successful completion of the project.


The contract will be awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous offer, based on the best quality-price ratio.


Bids are submitted by interested parties electronically, via the Online Portal of Electronic Public Contracts .


The deadline for receipt of offers is Monday, September 2nd, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.


The Tender Announcement issue is available here. 

The BenchmarksReportTemplate is available here.