Get to know the partner

The National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (NCSR Demokritos)
is the largest multidisciplinary research center in Greece, with critical mass in expertise and infrastructure in the fields of Informatics and Telecommunications, Nanotechnology, Energy & Environment, Biosciences, Particle and Nuclear Science.
With more than 1,200 staff, approximately 180 Researchers and more than 500 research staff working on numerous projects funded by the Greek State, the European Union, International organisations and the Industry, NCSR Demokritos conducts world-class basic and applied research, for advancing scientific knowledge and promoting technological development in selected areas of national socio-economic interest. The Center also plays a pivotal role in graduate education and professional training and its unique infrastructure is employed for high-technology services to the Industry and the Society.
In the EuroCC project, NCSR Demokritos
participates with the expertise of the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications (IIT) which leads research and development in the scientific fields of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, 5G Networks and Antenna technologies. The institute has coordinated, and participated in, numerous national and European projects and has substantial expertise in the areas of big data management, content analysis, e- Infrastructure, personalisation and human-machine interaction.
Hosted in the campus of NCSR Demokritos, the one-stop shop ahedd Digital Innovation Hub, helps companies (start-ups, SMEs and large enterprises) to become more competitive in their business processes, products or services by using digital technologies such as AI, Big Data and IoT.
Situated on the premises, is also the Lefkippos Technology Park, which is led by NCSR Demokritos Innovation Office, offering business and accelerator services to more than 40 innovative companies that collaborate with the Labs at NCSR Demokritos. TESLA’s R&D is one of the latest additions to the Park.
Role in the project
- NCSR Demokritos will participate in the Development of Training and Skills (Task 11.2) at a national level, utilising its expertise in advanced technology training and skill development across different educational levels (executive training, Industrial Fellowships, PhDs, MScs and Summer Schools).
- Engagement in the Technology Transfer and Business Development activities (Task 11.3), utilising its technology transfer expertise via the ahedd Digital Innovation Hub as well as via the Innovation Office and the Lefkippos Technology Park.
- Furthermore, NCSR Demokritos will utilise its existing collaborations with its cross-industrial network established over the years (via its research collaborations, the industrial network of Lefkippos Technology Park, NCSR-D’s Innovation Office, the ahedd DIH and IIT ‘s Industrial Fellowship Program and Scholarship with the Stavros Niarchos Foundation) in order to contribute to the activities of Task 11.4 (Collaboration with Industry).
- Finally NCSR Demokritos will actively work towards the mapping of HPC/Big Data/AI Technical Competences in Greece (Task 11.5) as well as towards the facilitation of access to scientific and technical expertise and knowledge pools (Task 11.6). Finally, NCSR Demokritos will work with the EuroCC partners as well as the partners of the Greek Competence Center to create awareness and establish collaborations in the area of HPC (Task 11.7).
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