Get to know the partner

GRNET S.A. – National Infrastructures for Research and Technology
provides advanced network, cloud computing and IT infrastructures and services to academic and research institutions, to educational bodies at all levels, as well as to agencies of the public, broader public and private sector. It holds a key role as the coordinator of all e-infrastructures in education and research, leveraging the educational and research activity in the country towards the development of applied and technological research. GRNET, operating under the auspices of the Ministry of Digital Governance, contributes to the country’s Digital Transformation via in-depth analysis, technological studies, standard solutions and specialized know-how, serving at the same time hundreds of thousands of users on a daily basis in the strategic fields of Public Administration, Education, Research, Health and Culture. GRNET is also the National Research and Education Network (NREN).
GRNET undertakes projects, initiatives and other activities related to information technology, digital technology, communication, e-governance, new and open technologies, including new big data technologies, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and to the promotion, dissemination and transfer of know-how regarding network and computing technologies and their applications, to research and development, education and to the promotion of Digital Transformation.
GRNET’s contribution to EuroCC@Greece consortium as the coordinator
is able to offer the maximum through its specialized human resources, as well as the experience and know-how it has developed for over a decade, being undoubtedly one of the biggest contributors to technological progress and modernization of the country’s infrastructure.
GRNET’s HPC related experience in a nutshell:
The cumulative experience gained by GRNET through its participation in the pan-European HPC initiatives has proven very important. A indicative list of key projects GRNET is currently involved or has had a key role in:
1. GRNET installed and operates the National HPC – ARIS (Advanced Research Information System) supercomputer, which is the most powerful computer system for scientific purposes in Greece since July 2015. This operation is offering a powerful research tool to the Greek scientific community as it is being utilized to the maximum by all relevant research bodies and for all relevant research objects. Computing power and capabilities of ARIS HPC can be found here and here.
● Among the research areas that have benefited from the use of HPC with the contribution of GRNET in Greece are: Geosystem Sciences, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Life Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics and Information Sciences, Chemical Sciences and Materials, Alleles Matter & Plasma Simulations, Physics, Fundamental Ingredients of Matter, Artificial Intelligence, Statistics.
● Over 700 innovative and ambitious research projects utilized HPC in Greece with the support of GRNET. See the details here.
● Major research institutions and universities collaborated with GRNET and used HPC for scientific research. Find out which ones were they here.
2. Participates in the European Leonardo consortium, as the Greece representative, for the operation of a pre-exascale level supercomputer system, providing research and innovation communities’ significant resources to assist in the development of new outcomes.
3. Founding member of the PRACE project and is active in all phases of its implementation; operates the regional Prace Training Center (PTC) organises and delivers HPC trainings for the community, contributing to the operation and coordination of Common PRACE Operational Services, supporting and modeling application performance, as well as the implementation of original services in the direction of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
4. Participated in the SESAME Net project, which brought European HPC centers in contact with small and medium-sized enterprises, disseminating knowledge about the industrial use of HPC.
5. Has coordinated the HP-SEE project that established the HPC infrastructure in South East Europe.
6. Participates in HPC-Europa3, a mobility program that offers researcher visits to HPC centers for a few weeks and mentoring guidance for more efficient use of resources as well as the related Summer of HPC.
7. Participated in the EOSC-hub -integrating and managing services for the European Open Science Cloud project. The EOSC-hub project creates the integration and management system of the future European Open Science Cloud that delivers a catalogue of services, software and data from the EGI Federation, EUDAT CDI, INDIGO-DataCloud and major research e-infrastructures.
GRNET’s Role in the EuroCC@Greece Project
GRNET is the Work Package (WP) leader of the WP11, namely “The Greek HPC NCC”, responsible for the coordination of all partners and task leaders. GRNET will also be responsible for the overall management of the WP, the quality control of the deliverables, the definition of the roadmap for the National Competence Center (NCC) and the direction of activities. GRNET will also have a major role in training and skill development activities, will be the Leader for Task 11.7, devising and executing the communication – Awareness Creation and Collaboration plan.
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