EuroCC@Greece announced an Introductory “High Performance Computing (HPC) Technologies seminar & the “Aristotelis” infrastructure, at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki”. The Seminar is co-organised by EuroCC@Greece and the Information Technology Center of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH).
The seminar was also be available via Zoom.
Presentation language: Greek
Audience: Suitable for members of academia and industry interested in the usage of High Performance Computing technologies.
Seminar structure:
Part A: Aims to inform about the existing HPC infrastructure at AUTH and the possibilities of exploiting this technology through AUTH and EuroCC@Greece.
Part B: Addressed to existing and potential users of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki HPC infrastructure and aims to teach them how to use the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki HPC infrastructure through practical examples. Participants will have the opportunity to practice hands-on training.
The seminar successfully took place on April 5th, 2023, at 10:00 – 14:00 EET, at the central computer isle on ground floor of the central library, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Part A – The National HPC Competence Center, the HPC “Aristotelis” infrastructure at AUTH possibilities of use and collaboration [duration 45 minutes]
- The National HPC Competence Center
Presentation of the National HPC Competence Center (EuroCC@Greece), its role in the national HPC ecosystem and its services to academia and industry
- The Aristotelis Supercomputing infrastructure at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Presentation of the supercomputing infrastructure “Aristotle” at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, its computing capabilities and accessibility for academic users and industry
- Open OnDemand Demo
Short presentation of the Open OnDemand service for easy access (via Web browser) to the computational resources of the Aristotelis infrastructure
Part B – Practical introductory seminar on the use of the HPC infrastructure “Aristotelis” of AUTH [duarion 2.5 hours]
- SSH connection & basic commands
Presentation and examples of accessing the remote command line of the cluster login nodes. Basic Linux commands.
- Available software and environment management with modulefiles
View available centrally installed software on the array. Using multiple versions of an application. Structure of the software directory.
- Scheduling HPC jobs with Slurm – Practical example
Slurm’s routing algorithm. Submitting jobs for execution on the cluster. Monitoring jobs and getting results. Requesting additional resources for a job (CPU cores, memory, GPUs, software licenses).
- An example: submitting a Python job
Setting up a python virtual environment (virtualenv, conda). Python job submission.
- Matlab Parallel Server
Distributed execution of MATLAB jobs in the Aristotelis cluster.
- Pavlos Sermpezis – Researcher, Dept. Informatics Researcher, Technical Manager of AUTH for EuroCC@Greece
- Ananias Tomboulides, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, AUTH
- Paschalis Korossoglou, User Support and HPC infrastructure design at AUTH
- Alexandra Charalambidou, User/Application support and HPC service design at AUTH
- Vasilis Asteriou, User/Application Support and HPC infrastructure management AUTH
- Thanos Koukoulis, HPC Infrastructure Management AUTH
- Anastasios Karakoulakis, HPC User Support AUTH

Watch the seminar’s recorded material in Greek here.