The Inno4scale project will support the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking in achieving the efficient use of its supercomputing resources through the development of novel algorithms for applications on those resources. It will do this by funding a set of focused innovation studies that will realise proof-of-concept demonstrators of fundamentally new and innovative algorithms with a clearly identified potential impact through integration and use in important applications.
The call for proposals targets highest quality research and development studies leading to proof-of-concept demonstrators exhibiting enhanced performance relevant for important applications executed on exascale systems. The call addresses researchers that have identified novel concepts for computational solutions of important numerical problems in scientific applications and use cases which rely on exascale supercomputers.
Submission Deadline: 28th September 2023, at 17:00 Brussels local time
Expected duration of innovation studies: maximum 12 months with expected commencement not later than 1st February 2024
More information and proposal submission here.