The supercomputer LEONARDO, hosted by CINECA and jointly funded by EuroHPC JU and the Italian Minister of University and Research, reached the 4th position on the latest release of the Top500 list of the fastest supercomputers in the world, with a measured High-Performance Linpack (HPL) performance of 174.7 petaflops.
LEONARDO will be inaugurated with a ceremony that will take place on November 24, 2022 in Bologna – Italy.
GRNET, representing Greece, is a member of the EuropeanLEONARDO consortium for the operation of the pre-exascale level supercomputer system. GRNET (the Greek NREN, and also co-ordinator and member of EuroCC@Greece project), and Italian supercomputer center CINECA, head of the LEONARDO consortium, enjoy a long standing cooperation in HPC related projects and share best practices.
GRNET is contributing with teams of professional experts, engineers and HPC project managers, amplified with over a decade of experience and know-how developed in the field of HPC by supporting research and education communities by offering HPC – ARIS (Advanced Research Information System) resources and is proud to be contributing to the High Level Support Team (HLST) of the LEONARDO consortium.
More information here.