Get to know the partner

The Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS)
of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), founded in 1992, is very active in European co-funded research activities and has been the project coordinator of many EU projects. It employs experienced staff in administration, training, consulting and development covering aspects of large scale high performance computing, networking and storage, which are most willing to offer their specialized services to the academic research community and to external customers seeking computational power. It is heavily involved in the implementation of several National and International Research projects on Cloud computing, HPC, Big Data, applications, etc.
EuroCC@Greece Project involvement
ICCS participates in the EuroCC project, leading Task 11.6: Facilitation of access to scientific and technical expertise and knowledge pools, and participates with a cluster of four top research groups from four different schools of the National Technical University of Athens.
The Computing Systems Laboratory (CSLab) CSLab is one of the largest research laboratories of the School of Electrical and Computing Engineering with strong expertise in computer architecture and large scale parallel, High-Performance, and distributed systems (Big Data, Cloud and P2P infrastructures). Its contributions range from the algorithmic design and optimization of HPC applications and libraries (dense and sparse linear algebra, SpMV, etc), to low-level system implementation aspects, and FPGA-based HPC and data-centre application acceleration.
The Parallel CFD & Optimization Unit (PCOpt) of the School of Mechanical Engineering is active in the development of parallel CFD and optimization methods and the relevant software for internal (turbomachines, hydraulic machines) and external (e.g. aircrafts, car) aerodynamic analysis and optimization problems.
The Institute of Structural Analysis and Antiseismic Research (ISAAR) and the large-scale analysis and modeling research group of ISAAR (MGroup) of the School of Civil Engineering at NTUA has a research focus simulation and analysis methods in engineering problems, with emphasis on multiscale modeling and design, large scale stochastic optimization and machine learning and high performance computing in hybrid CPU-GPU architectures. Mgroup has developed the Msolve software, an open source numerical solver for computational mechanics problems customized to solving large scale multiscale and multiphysics problems.
The Computational Process Engineering group of the School of Chemical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens, deals with the computational analysis of transport phenomena in chemical engineering processes, mainly from the areas of micro-fluidics and chemical vapor deposition.
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