The eighth “Code of the Month” session will be back on May 29th with a presentation of FALL3D and OpenPDAC by CHEESE CoE.


The codes FALL3D and OpenPDAC are able to simulate different phenomena associated with explosive volcanic eruptions. FALL3D models atmospheric consequences of volcano outbreaks including the dispersal and sedimentation of particles and ashes.  After the outbreak of  Cumbre Vieja in autumn 2021, CoE ChEESE’s related urgent computing services have been used to advise the local authorities of La Palma e.g. on rerouting  flights or issuing warnings or confinements for the population. OpenPDAC simulates phenomena (pyroclastic flows, ballistic ejecta) associated with phreatic explosions and occurring at a local scale. These kind of eruptions represent an important hazard, as testified by the recent events at Ontake (Japan) and White Island (new Zealand), and in the framework of the ChEEse project the code OpenPDAC will be used for a first assessment of hazard from phreatic explosion at Vulcano island (Italy).


Register to attend here.