The SNF Industrial Research Fellowship Program at the “Demokritos” Center for Scientific Research connects Greek researchers with industry leaders, bridging […]
n ChEESE project, Pilot Demonstrator 9 relies on European supercomputers to analyse seismic data at high frequency in order to better resolve structures at depth.
Subscribe to the BioExcel Webinar playlist on the >> BioExcel Youtube channel .
The EDIH GEARING UP conference is a public event organised as the first yearly European Digital Innovation Hubs conference.
The focus of the Greek NI4OS-Europe training course “Developing FAIR and EOSC skills” that takes place on 28-29 January 2021 […]
Browse, search, explore all upcoming training events and every kind of HPC-related training resources on the PRACE training portal. This includes trainings and resourced created by PRACE training centers and other HPC centers, members of PRACE.
Upcoming training events and online courses, searchable through faceted filters, by the High-Performance Computer Center in Stuttgart.
Recent and upcoming training events organized by the 14 PRACE training centers.