HLRS Teaching and training material (slides, audio and pointing information) and the PDF files (e.g. for personal notes) from the German HPC center HLRS in Stuttgart
Very useful training resources from the Swedish ENCCS on MPI & OpenMP, GPU programming, AI and Deep Learning, performance engineering etc.
On this page you will find PRACE White Papers related to numerous aspects of High Performance Computing
Greece, represented by GRNET, participates in the European Leonardo consortium for the operation
The PRACE DECI programme provides cross-national access to European Tier-1 HPC resources (national systems). Access will be awarded for a period of 12 months,
The impact AI can have on scientific discovery.
The TREX – Targeting Real chemical accuracy at the EXascale , has officially started its activities in October 2020.
FF4EuroHPC is a European initiative that helps facilitate access to all high-performance computing-related technologies for SMEs and thus increases the […]
The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking is a joint initiative between the EU, European countries and private partners to develop a World Class Supercomputing Ecosystem in Europe,