This Info day aims to inform (potential) applicants about topics included in the Cluster 4 'Digital, Industry and Space' work programme of 2021
GRNET offers a PRACE Training Centre course:
“Introduction to Molecular Modeling and Molecular Dynamics in HPC”
EuroCC@Greece’s partners, ICS-FORTH and PRAXI Network are inviting you to attend the “HPC for the Greek Health & Life Sciences Sector” online event, on June 17, at 16:00 PM (GMT+3).
This workshop targets researchers and developers who already know the basics of OpenACC and/or CUDA but would like to expand their knowledge.
Newly established European Center of Excellence in Exascale Computing "Research on AI-and Simulation-Based Engineering at Exascale" (CoE RAISE).
To apply for participation in the hackathon you will need a well-defined project with clearly stated goals, and we recommend you to join a team with at least 2 people
A series of weekly lectures on the basics of quantum computing by CERN is now available
Bringing together HPC, Big Data and Cloud: Concept, implementation and feedback from EVOLVE H2020 project
BioExcel CoE for Computational Biomolecular Research and Iktos AI, have entered into a collaboration to explore the application of advanced molecular modelling and simulation techniques to expedite drug design