FF4EuroHPC European initiative and EuroCC@Greece invite you to participate in the online event titled: “FF4EuroHPC 2nd call for proposals for high quality experiments involving innovative SMEs using advanced HPC services“, on July 15th, at 10:30 CET | 11:30 EEST.
The event aims to inform you about the details of the 2nd FF4EuroHPC Open Call, as well as about the purpose and activities of the National HPC Competence Center. The event is organized by FF4EuroHPC European initiative together with EuroCC@Greece, a project under EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and European Union’s Horizon 2020 (H2020).
Logistics and Participation:
The event’s preliminary agenda can be found here.
Total duration: 120 min.
Presentations’ language: English
Participation is free of charge. Registration for the event is not required.
Join the Event here.
Find out more information about the 2nd FF4EuroHPC Open Call here.
- EuroCC@Greece National Competence Center – presentation of activities
- FF4EuroHPC Open Call 2 presentation
- The EuroHPC infrastructure and services access
- Success story presentation: Shape Optimization under Uncertainty through HPC Cloud
- PediDose: A pediatric simulated dosimetry platform for clinical use. A successful FF4EuroHPC submission