The webinar “The EBRAINS Project: A Gateway to Collaborative Neuroscience”, taking place on February 12th at 14:00-15:30 CET, aims at introducing EBRAINS, a digital research infrastructure that is accelerating collaborative brain research across neuroscience, brain health, and brain-related technologies.


The session will commence with an overview of EBRAINS by Prof. Petra Ritter (EBRAINS coordinator), followed by a detailed presentation on the platform tools and datasets by Anastasiia Andriievska (ENCCS). As a member of the European Open Science Cloud association (EOSC), EBRAINS exemplifies open science, fostering collaboration on new research projects, infrastructure development, and sharing of data and knowledge across disciplines, institutions, and borders.


The webinar aims to explore potential collaborations with interested NCCs and CoEs and demonstrate how EBRAINS’ commitment to Responsible Research and Innovation practices can shape research in ethical ways that serve the public interest.


Register here.