EuroCC@Greece is the gateway to various training opportunities related to HPC/HPDA/AI in several scientific domains. Face-to-face and online training courses together with PRACE and other national and international infrastructures will be reached through this platform. The focus is given on high-end usage, both in academia and industry, targeting new users and researchers. Topics include MPI & OpenMP, Software and performance engineering, GPU programming in scientific disciplines such as Life sciences, Chemistry, Climate modelling, Engineering and more. At this point, in Greece, the main training is offered by the GRNET PRACE training center.
GRNET PRACE training center
Today, the main HPC training activity in Greece is offered by GRNET, through targeted webinars. GRNET is an official PRACE training center.
Apart from the dedicated HPC courses, the partners of EuroCC@Greece are delivering numerous relevant educational activities:
NCSRD: Relevant programmes/courses in the areas of AI, HPC, Quantum Computing (NCSRD, IIT) are provided via:
- Cross-institutional MSc (Master of Science) programs with Greek Universities:
- MSc program in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- MSc in Data Science
- New MSc in Quantum Computing (2021)
- PhD & Post-doc level
- Joint PhD Scholarships (with EU, US Universities) and Industrial fellowships (PhD, post-doctoral level), etc)
- Summer Schools (BSc & MSc students)
- 2020: 55th Summer School: Artificial Intelligence (13-17 July 2020)
- 2021 (planned): 56th Summer School – “AI and Natural Sciences” to be conducted in collaboration with EU-funded project IS-ENES3 (Infrastructure for the European Network for Earth System Modelling (2019 – 2022),
ICCS/ NTUA is providing undergraduate courses and seminars, namely:
Undergraduate courses:
- Parallel processing systems: Introduction to Parallel Computing, design and implementation of parallel programs, performance analysis, familiarization with parallel programming tools (MPI, OpenMP, TBBs, CUDA)
- Parallel architectures for Machine Learning: Parallel architectures and programming methods/tools for AI and ML
- HPC workshop: Large Scale Scientific Computations
- Hands-on training on the development of parallel codes using MPI, OpenMP and CUDA.
AUTH is providing several MSc programs, PhD and post-doc level programs, summer schools and various training activities, namely:
Cross-institutional MSc (Master of Science) programs:
- MSc program in Artificial Intelligence,
- MSc program in Data and Web Science,
- MSc program in Advanced Computer and Communication Systems (dir. Intelligent Systems, Computational Intelligence Methodologies and Applications,
PhD and Post-Doc level
Joint PhD programs with EU and industrial fellowships in AI
- ELLIS Society PhD & PostDoc Program,
- AI4Media PhD program,
- HumanE AI Network PhD program,
- TAILOR PhD program,
Joint PhD programs with EU and industrial fellowships in Big Data
- RAIS PhD training program,, (under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement Innovative Training Networks (ITN) – RAIS No 813162)
Training programs for researchers
- 2018: 3rd cHiPSet TRAINING SCHOOL “Large-Scale Data Mining and Machine Learning for Big Data Analytics”,
Summer Schools (BSc, MSc students)
2020: Deep Learning and Computer Vision for Autonomous Systems 2020 (17-18 August 2020)
A further research is in place to find relevant courses and training activities in other institutions in Greece