The Greek and Cypriot National Competence Centers have twinned within the framework of HPC EuroCC project and the aim of the meetings were to exchange views on their approach to the promotion of HPC technologies in small and medium enterprises and academic users and exchange best practices.
Various meetings took place both at the NCSR – Demokritos, GRNET (GR) and CaSToRC (CY) premises, during the twinning visits and the following key learnings derived for and from the respective EuroCC’s.
- The EuroCC@Greece members were able to see how the interdisciplinary expertise of CaSToRC staff working for EuroCC and other projects are helping benefit the activities of EuroCC@Cyprus. Best practices were discussed and exchanged by NCC task leaders and Champions.
- A second visit was planned for Cyprus to visit Greece’s EuroCC in order to observe and learn from the partner’s approach to promoting technologies to SMEs and academia. This became the decisive step in the two-part twinning activity enabling the two NCCs to lay the groundwork for an ongoing two way collaboration to develop.
- A joint training event and a joint dissemination event decided to take place in the next quarter, while various long term common efforts were planned for the next phase of the EuroCC project.
- Further steps in the collaboration will be exploring the possibility of joint presence of the centers in HPC related events, as well as continuing consulting among key personnel of the two centers regarding the implementation of industry-related activities of EuroCC.
Dates and Staff involved in the Twinning Visits:
18/5/2022 – 20/5/2022, visit to Cyprus: Stelios Karozis from NCSR Demokritos and Eleni Kanellou from ICS FORTH, both institutions being partners in the consortium of EuroCC@Greece, visited Nicosia in order to meet researchers at the CaSToRC center, part of the Cyprus Institute, where EuroCC@Cyprus is implemented.
12/9/2022 – 16/9/2022, visit to Greece: Stelios Erotokritou, Christos Christodoulou, Nikolas Theodosiou and Nikos Bakas, from the CastorC center, representing the Cyprus National Competence Center – EuroCC@Cyprus, visited Athens, in order to meet experts of the EuroCC@Greece National Competence Center.