FF4EuroHPC European initiative and EuroCC@Greece invite you to participate in the online event titled: "FF4Europe 2nd call for proposals for high quality experiments involving innovative SMEs using advanced HPC services", on July 15th, at 10:30 CET | 11:30 EEST.
Watch online the 1 hour ETP4HPC webinar that took place on June 18th
The EU-funded projects HiDALGO and ESIWACE kindly invite you to a joint online workshop on “Tackling Global challenges with HPC, HPDA and simulations” (Wednesday, 7th till Friday, 9th July 2021).
Apply until June 30TH: The event will bring together undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in different disciplines of scientific computing.
This Info day aims to inform (potential) applicants about topics included in the Cluster 4 'Digital, Industry and Space' work programme of 2021
GRNET offers a PRACE Training Centre course:
“Introduction to Molecular Modeling and Molecular Dynamics in HPC”
EuroCC@Greece’s partners, ICS-FORTH and PRAXI Network are inviting you to attend the “HPC for the Greek Health & Life Sciences Sector” online event, on June 17, at 16:00 PM (GMT+3).
This workshop targets researchers and developers who already know the basics of OpenACC and/or CUDA but would like to expand their knowledge.