GRNET announces the 11th “Call for Proposals for Production Projects” for access to ARIS national high performance computing system
will explore visionary trends and innovations in high performance computing and computational science
Introduction to the usage and programming of supercomputer resources at Jülich (training course, online)
A comics issue to talk about HPC and simulation and modelling. Read the E-CAM issue of Comics&Science
The EU first EuroHPC supercomputer VEGA has been launched in Slovenia
EuroCC@Greece would like to invite you to take part in the “HPC needs & skills in Greece” survey.
Meluxina, the new EuroHPC petascale system of Luxembourg, will operate from May 2021. The key sectors providing use cases for Meluxina are smart mobility, financial services, healthtech, industry 4.0, logistics and space.
You can get familiar with the installation process, including technical aspects and also with the users’ perspective in this webinar.
This webinar will focus on very large industrial users: representatives of Airbus and Thales have accepted our invitation to share and discuss their specific experience of HPC, their needs, what resources and support they would expect from the HPC Community.
A new PRACE training program on OpenFOAM, a popular open source software package for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)