Spring School in Computational Chemistry 2023, on April 26-28 in Espoo, Finland. Jointly organised by CSC, EuroCC2 project and BioExcelCoE.
An annual event gathering key European HPC stakeholders from providers, to scientific and industrial users and policy makers.
Watch the recent recorded webinar of ENCCS on “Creative AI”
Success story #2: AI/ML Computer Vision for the Next Generation Poultry Farms
Success story #1: Multi-Head Additive Manufacturing with Optimal HPC Thermal Stabilization
How to run the Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP) efficiently on supercomputers
EuroCC@Greece has successfully hosted an artificial intelligence track at the 19th EMCIS, on 21- 22 December 2022.
The 8th official EuroCC@Greece HPC Newsletter is out, providing news regarding High Performance Computing (HPC), in Greece and all over Europe! 
Discover what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is and what it can and cannot do with this free online course. Starting in […]
The first part will be dedicated to theory, and the second part will focus on hands-on challenges on GPU accelerators of the MeluXina supercomputer.