“The nUCLeus cloud HPC service: creating and replicating HPC coursework in the cloud” e-Seminar by CompBioMed on March 22nd, 2023.
RISC2 webinar: A roadmap to quantum computing integration into HPC infrastructures, on March 15th, 2023.
Spring School in Computational Chemistry 2023, on April 26-28 in Espoo, Finland. Jointly organised by CSC, EuroCC2 project and BioExcelCoE.
An annual event gathering key European HPC stakeholders from providers, to scientific and industrial users and policy makers.
Success story #2: AI/ML Computer Vision for the Next Generation Poultry Farms
Success story #1: Multi-Head Additive Manufacturing with Optimal HPC Thermal Stabilization
How to run the Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP) efficiently on supercomputers
EuroCC@Greece has successfully hosted an artificial intelligence track at the 19th EMCIS, on 21- 22 December 2022.