Become part of our online community today and do not miss a thing:Follow us on Twitter: @EuroCC_Greece and LinkedIn: @EuroCC-Greece & subscribe to our mailing list:

EuroCC@Greece is one of the 33 HPC Competence Centres, built in the framework of the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU). Our Competence Center aims to enable the efficient uptake of HPC technologies, in order to advance competitiveness in research, improve effectiveness of government services and promote innovation in industry. 

With the aforementioned aims in mind, we are looking to further promote training and skills development, technology transfer, collaboration with Industry, competence mapping and awareness raising, in the fields of High Performance Computing, High Performance Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data.

Our EuroCC@Greece social accounts are set up to build stronger connections, share knowledge and experience and communicate the broad service portfolio from access to resources and technological consultancy to the provision of training courses for academia, public administrations and industry tailored to the respective key audiences’ national needs. 

Become part of our online community by following our accounts on Twitter: @EuroCC_Greece and LinkedIn: @EuroCC-Greece, where you can find useful information, success stories, funding and training opportunities and much more! Stay informed and connected also by subscribing to our mailing list: and frequently receive all our news and activities, right in your mailbox, so you do not miss a thing!

Spread the word, follow, stay informed and connected!

Castiel Cyprus EuroCC EuroCC@Greece EuroCCGreece EuroHPC Euro HPC Joint Undertaking EuroHPC Joint Undertaking Greece HPC HPC ARIS JointUndertaking North Macedonia Training Twinning